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событие Wyrd Con 2010
Interactive Theatre event in USA
Регион: США
Дата проведения: июнь 2010
Продолжительность: 3 дня
Количество участников: 314 человек
Ссылки: http://wyrdcon.com/sample-page/wyrd-con-2009/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

Wyrd Con 2010
The first Wyrd Con in 2010 was a huge success. Over 314 people joined us during our first event on June 11th – 13th 2010.

The 2010 Event was Sponsored & Presented by LARP Alliance & Live Effects

Wyrd One wishes to acknowledge and thank the following individuals:

Joslyn Field, Adrianne Grady, Ira Ham, Richard McCoy, and Jessica Richards as co-creators of Wyrd Con One.

The LARP Alliance Fighter’s Guild for managing our combat/fighters circle and Iron Liege for donating prizes for its operation.

Richard McCoy for creating the concept of the Tavern at Wyrd One, and Adrianne Grady for operating her concept of Xatrian Crux, which she owns and manages.

Richard McCoy and the LARP Alliance team for managing convention security.

Richard McCoy for letting us use the name he exclusively owns titled ’The Summit’ for our panels.

Adrianne Grady for managing our VIP’s.

Jessica Richards for guiding our Designers & Events.

Joslyn Field for managing registration.

Wyrd Con One was a collaboration with multiple people, and those individuals and staff change frequently. We thank everyone for their efforts and look for to transitioning to a new leadership team for Two Wyrd and the future.

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